Why Should You Floss?

Most people have heard that they should floss their teeth every day, but some see this as a minor detail in their oral health. Many believe that if they are brushing their teeth twice a day, then flossing isn’t that important. Well, here’s a secret: your dentist always knows when you’re not flossing because your […]

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Tooth Sensitivity and Your Oral Health

If you are like many people, biting into a popsicle or drinking a hot cup of coffee can cause unbearable pain. For some people, brushing and flossing can also result in discomfort. Tooth sensitivity is a common problem, but many people just assume that their teeth are naturally sensitive to temperature. However, tooth sensitivity is […]

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Why Is it Important to Treat Bruxism?

Bruxism is consistent grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw that often occurs involuntarily during sleep. Many people do not realize they grind their teeth until one of the tell-tale signs (like worn teeth, an aching jaw, or chronic headaches) becomes apparent. If you suspect you have bruxism, it is important to seek […]

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Myths About Common Dental Products

It comes as a shock to many people to find out that the common dental products they use aren’t actually created or marketed to them by dentists. In fact, there is very little regulation in the marketing industry, and most over-the-counter or drugstore products can claim whatever they want on their packaging. Since few people […]

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6 Daily Habits That Harm Your Smile

Bi-annual dental visits are enough to maintain the health and beauty of almost any smile, but your visits can become more frequent — and more expensive — due to the damage caused by a few seemingly harmless daily habits. 1. Cough Drops Like many brands of gum, cough drops often contain quite a bit of […]

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