How Sedation Dentistry in Chicago Can Save Your Smile
If you experience dental anxiety, you may have untreated dental issues that threaten the look of your smile and your physical health as well. Taking care of your teeth and gums is essential to maintaining oral health and preventing gum disease, pain, and tooth loss, which can all lead to a smile you’d rather hide […]
Read MoreWhy You Should Replace Missing Teeth
Many believe that replacing missing teeth is a choice made out of vanity. While filling the gaps will improve your aesthetic, there are other important reasons to replace missing teeth. Missing Teeth Can Cause Other Teeth to Move When you have a missing tooth, the teeth adjacent to the gap have a tendency to move […]
Read MoreCorrection for Extrinsic and Intrinsic Stains
Bright, white teeth play a large role in creating a beautiful smile. When your teeth are dull and discolored, you might find that your smile isn’t as radiant as it should be. Some factors that affect the color of your teeth have to do with diet and health. Luckily, you don’t have to live with […]
Read MoreCrowns: Porcelain and Metal vs. All-Porcelain Restorations
Several factors can have an impact on a patient’s choice between porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns or all-porcelain crowns for tooth restoration. These include your concern for aesthetics, whether or not you grind your teeth, and the health of your natural teeth. We’ve compared some of the main advantages and disadvantages of both options for crowns below. All-Porcelain […]
Read MoreTooth Replacement Therapy
Tooth loss for any reason can lead to quite a few problems in your mouth. Missing teeth can affect your speech, limit your ability to chew, and can even cause bone loss over time. Dentures and bridges are common tooth replacement methods, but dental implants are by far the best option for tooth restoration. What […]
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