Top 3 Things a Dentist Can Diagnose and Treat Besides Your Teeth and Gums

When you think of dental care, you likely envision routine cleanings, fillings, and perhaps even orthodontic treatments. However, many dentists have special training and a broad scope of practice that extends beyond cavity prevention and oral hygiene. In fact, there are several threats to your overall health that a dentist can diagnose, treat, or manage. […]

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Do Sleep Apnea Home Remedies Work?

3 Minute Read:  Sleep apnea occurs when the airways become blocked while a person is sleeping. Obstructions in the oral cavity, such as the tonsils, soft palate, and even the tongue, can significantly block the airways responsible for normal breathing patterns.  Some patients may be surprised to discover how interconnected our dental health can be […]

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Dental Signs of Sleep Apnea

When obstructive sleep apnea is not diagnosed, it can result in unrestful nights, low blood oxygen levels, and severe conditions like coronary disease or cancer. Unfortunately, since this condition occurs during sleep, many sufferers are unaware that they experience sleep apnea. In fact, it is believed that up to 80 percent of sleep apnea cases […]

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Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Sleep is essential to your health and well-being. If you have sleep apnea, you may not realize just how much it is affecting you. Sleep apnea does more than make you snore at night; it also prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep, leaving you vulnerable to a myriad of health risks caused by […]

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Why Should I Visit My Dentist Regularly?

Many people only visit the dentist when they are experiencing pain. These patients typically have been told about the importance of regularly visiting their dentist, but they don’t follow this strong advice until significant pain-causing damage has already been done. A routine dental visit goes beyond cleaning the teeth; it offers preventative treatment that is […]

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