Porcelain veneers can quickly and painlessly transform damaged and discolored teeth into a bright, beautiful Hollywood smile.
Once a celebrity secret, porcelain veneers are available for anyone who wants to conceal cosmetic imperfections in their teeth and dramatically improve the appearance of their smile.
While some individuals only need a small number of porcelain veneers to address their dental flaws, others benefit best by having all of their visible teeth treated.
Dr. Vlad Fedin is a well-respected cosmetic dentist in Chicago, Illinois, who provides high-quality porcelain veneers. He has placed thousands of veneers for patients who want a more appealing smile.
View the case studies below to see how full mouth porcelain veneers have helped previous patients.
Call Chicago Dental Arts today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Fedin and find out if porcelain veneers are right for you. Reach our Chicago dental office at (312) 642-6631
Full Mouth Porcelain Veneers | Case Studies With Before & After Photos
Patient #1
Our first case study involves a middle-aged man with discolored, crowded, chipped, and worn-down teeth. While this patient prioritized his oral health, the appearance of his teeth (Images 1-3) made him too self-conscious to smile openly.
Tetracycline stains are difficult, if not impossible, to treat with professional teeth whitening, and combined with the other dental issues he had, porcelain veneers were his ideal solution.
16 Emax porcelain veneers were placed for patient #1 (Images 4-6) to cover intrinsic discolorations, correct crowding, and provide a more symmetrical and natural smile that he was proud to show off.
Patient #2
Our second case study is a 57-year-old woman with a history of bruxism (tooth grinding). She had attractive but worn-down teeth (some of which were slightly rotated), and yellowing, chipped incisors (Images 1-3).
She chose the whitest veneer color for a dramatically white smile with Emax full coverage porcelain veneers.
These porcelain restorations were placed to restore tooth position and improve the size, shape, and color of her teeth (Images 4-6).
The results were transformative, as expected, erasing 10 years’ worth of dental damage and discoloration. Our patient also enjoyed a broader smile with additional fullness for a subtly lifted upper lip position and an even more youthful appearance.
Patient #3
Our third case study is a man with severely worn, discolored, and decayed teeth (Images 1-3).
A long history of tooth grinding and insufficient dental care caused significant damage and shortened his teeth, making him look much older than he was.
His teeth and gums were also angled, sloping from right to left.
This patient needed a full smile makeover that included 21 Emax full-coverage porcelain veneers to be placed over several visits (Images 4-6).
This cosmetic treatment corrected the gum height and tooth alignment issues, visible wear, and discoloration for natural-looking, healthy gums, and a youthful smile.
Patient #4
Our fourth case study involves a woman with stained, crowded, gapped, asymmetrical, and severely worn down teeth (Images 1-3), which detracted from her face.
This patient initially chose dental bonding to address her cosmetic dental issues, which failed to improve the appearance of her teeth long-term. Before treatment with porcelain veneers, she refused to smile.
20 Emax porcelain veneers were placed over four visits to conceal dental discoloration and crowding, close the gap between her front teeth, improve tooth size, and create symmetry (Images 4-6).
These porcelain restorations improved the appearance of her teeth and gums for beautiful, natural-looking results that made it hard for her not to smile.
Are You Eligible for Porcelain Veneers?
To be a good candidate for porcelain veneers, you should be free of gum disease, infection, or decay, and severe orthodontic issues must be addressed first. However, minor dental alignment issues can be treated with veneers.
You should also be able to comply with all aftercare instructions and be committed to practicing a proper oral hygiene routine to protect your new smile.
Your Chicago, IL, Porcelain Veneer Provider
At Chicago Dental Arts, our patients are treated like family. Dr. Fedin is a compassionate cosmetic dentist providing porcelain veneers in Chicago, Illinois. He will listen carefully to the concerns you have about your smile and create a treatment plan designed to meet your unique needs.