Our Office Is PACKED With Protection
© 1993 Sterile Dental Systems, Inc.
What Are Sterile Dental Packs??
Sterile packs for dentistry are preassembled trays containing disposable items that are used during most dental visits. The packs usually include products such as: Treatment gloves, Protective patient towels, Gauze, Cotton products, and Suction devices.
All contents of the pack are completely sterilized. When you come in for a dental visit, a pack is opened and used just for you. All items are properly discarded after each patient
Our Office Has A Commitment To Protect You!
Measures to ensure cleanliness and proper sterility have always been a priority in our office. However, in recent years, increased awareness of the need to prevent the spread of disease has led to additional infection control guidelines and new dental office procedures.
We are committed to meet and exceed all guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control, the American Dental Association, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Our entire staff continually reviews and revises all infectious disease control procedures in order to provide you with the most effective and up-to-date protection.
What Are Some Other Infection Control Procedures Performed In This Office?
- All dental personnel are immunized against the Hepatitis B virus to protect themselves and you from the possibility of spreading this disease.
- All instruments, including dental hand pieces, are thoroughly cleaned and sterilized after each use.
- Sterilizing equipment is monitored at least monthly to ensure effectiveness.
- All surfaces in treatment rooms, laboratories, and darkrooms are covered with disposable protective barriers or are disinfected to prevent any contamination between staff or patients.
- All dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants routinely wear protective gloves, eyewear, and face masks during treatment for your protection as well as their own.
- All waste is disposed of carefully and in compliance with governmental regulations.
Every Precaution Available Is Taken To Protect Our Most Valuable Assets- You!
We want you to feel safe and comfortable with any procedure performed in this office. If you have any questions about infection control or other concerns, please feel free to ask me or any staff member.
Thank you for your continued trust and support!