3 Ways to Cure Bad Breath
For many of us, the fear of having bad breath is constant. Whether this concern is present when talking to your boss, going on a date, or meeting new people, bad breath can significantly damage your confidence and affect the way that others see you. Many people try to cover up bad breath by ensuring that sticks of gum and mints are never more than an arm’s length away; however, these quick fixes do nothing to solve the underlying problem of bad breath. Much like other dental problems, bad breath is a medical condition. This condition is referred to as halitosis and is estimated to affect more than 65 percent of the population.
1. Diagnosis
When most people realize they have bad breath, their first assumption is that it must be due to what they ate for lunch that day. While there is some truth to this, as food consumption can be a source of bad breath, halitosis is also (and is more likely) the result of something more serious. The majority of bad breath cases is caused by poor oral health and significant mouth conditions, such as gum disease, spaces in the teeth where food can sit, and faulty dental work. Chronic bad breath is directly linked to the bacteria that grows in the mouth and on the tongue. This bacteria is made up of sulfur compounds, and sulfur compounds bring with it an unpleasant odor. These compounds may come from food that is stuck within the spaces of the mouth, poor oral hygiene, or the use of certain medications. If these compounds and this bacteria are not addressed, then chronic bad breath may be the result.
2. Elimination of Bacteria
Chewing gum, sucking on mints, and rinsing with mouthwash may temporarily mask the presence of bad breath, but they do not treat the causes for it. To effectively manage and reverse chronic bad breath, the offending bacteria and sulfur compounds must be removed. To do this, Dr. Fiss performs a comprehensive exam, with a review of your diet and medication intake as well as X-rays of your mouth. Eliminating the bacteria and sulfur compounds in the mouth can be accomplished by treating gum disease, repairing faulty dental work, and treating the afflicted area with chlorine dioxide. These treatments will not only mask the causes of bad breath, but they attack the problem at the source.
3. Prevention and Maintenance
Treatment of bad breath is not a one-day procedure that will automatically provide a lifetime of positive results. Instead, prevention and maintenance are vital to ensuring that the bacteria and sulfur compounds that create bad breath do not return. Prevention starts with proper oral hygiene, which means routine brushing, flossing, and tongue scraping, along with regular dental check-ups. Using dental products that contain chlorine dioxide will provide additional benefits, as chlorine dioxide breaks apart the molecules that form the bacteria that causes your bad breath. Chlorine dioxide can be found in many kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes. In addition to proper oral hygiene, proper hydration will also help prevent the formation of bacteria. Drinking water, and lots of it, will flush out the bacteria and keep your mouth fresh and healthy.
If you are suffering from chronic bad breath, then contact Dr. Fiss today by calling (312) 642-6631.